2 min readApr 4, 2021


Earn PROPEL by adding BNB & PROPEL liquidity on PanCakeSwap and JulSwap

This post will explain the process of how you can earn PROPEL by adding PROPEL & BNB on PanCakeSwap and JulSwap.

Important Key Facts on process

  • LP Tokens is a token that is given as a reward for providing Liquidity of BNB / PROPEL in PanCakeSwap or JulSwap
  • LP Tokens that are Earned is Deposited to your MetaMask Wallet
  • LP Tokens Earned in your MetaMask Wallet will need to be transferred to your PayRue DEX Wallet to be able to receive the PROPEL reward
  • Rewards are calculated monthly on a daily average balance
  • End of each month we calculate the average daily balance of LP Tokens on your PayRue DEX wallet and transfer PROPEL to your PayRue DEX Wallet at the beginning of the following month
  • To receive LP Token you simply just go to the BNB / PROPEL Pool on PanCakeSwap or JulSwap and choose Add Liquidity

Key Take-Aways

As an example of a high ratio that currently is live, rewards can calculated as follow

1 BNB + 190,000 PROPEL would generate


355 PanCakeSwap LP PROPEL Tokens * 1249 (ratio) /10 =

44,339 PROPEL monthly reward

  2. name: Pancake LP-PROPEL-BNB
  3. symbol: CLP-PROPEL-BNB
  4. decimals: 18


433 JulSwap LP PROPEL Tokens * 1053 (ratio) / 10 =

45,594 PROPEL each monthly reward

  2. name: Jul LP-PROPEL-BNB
  3. symbol: JLP-PROPEL-BNB
  4. decimals: 18
Example of adding BNB / PROPEL liquidity on PanCakeSwap

PanCakeSwap Pool BNB/PROPEL

PayRue DEX Exchange Wallet

JulSwap Pool BNB / PROPEL

Contract Address


Earn PROPEL by adding BNB & PROPEL to pools on PanCakeSwap and JulSwap. The LP Tokens earned for providing liquidity should be transferred back to PayRue DEX wallet to claim your monthly reward of PROPEL. The more LP Tokens you have on PayRue DEX the more PROPEL you earn. So it translates into the more BNB & PROPEL you stake (adding liquidity) the better your rewards in PROPEL will be.



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