3 min readOct 18, 2020


Explanation of PROPEL assets

London 18th of October 2020

Hi, all PayRue users and PROPEL holders. As been follow topics and issues on Telegram, Twitter, and email direct. I think it would be a good idea to outline a few facts so there is no confusion.

  1. PROPEL is an asset on Binance Chain and Binance Smart Chain with a total supply of 8 billion PROPEL. Since they are connected with each other both chains will always balance each other out.


This is Binance Chain address;

Here you can see PROPEL on BC 8 billion total supply, and if you look under Holders, you can see that 5,423,320,437.9 PROPEL BEP 2 has moved over to Binance Smart Chain


This is PROPEL BEP 20 on Binance Smart Chain

If you look at Total Supply you can see 8 billion PROPEL share the same supply with PROPEL on both BEP 2 and BEP 20.

If you pay attention to CSupply which Current Supply you can see that the current supply is 5,423,320,437.9 exactly what shows in Binance Chain explorer on the first proof.

In summary you can now see that 5,423,320,437.9 / 8,000,000,000 = 0.6779 ~ 0.68 = 68% of total PROPEL Supply is now available on Binance Smart Chain.

2. The second part, there are numerous people that have as of late asked questions about how can I swap PROPEL assets from BC to BSC. And the most efficient way today is by adding Binance Chain Wallet.

This is the link

You adding on the Binance Wallet extension to your browser Chrome or Brave for example.

Once you have saved login credentials and created a wallet you can choose what network you want to use like Binance Chain or Binance Smart Chain.

Steps are:

  1. Add assets to your wallet by either search under the name or manually input the contract address.
  2. If you want to send PROPEL from BEP 2 to BEP 20 you need first to make sure you have PROPEL and BNB on your wallet.
  3. Then you copy your PROPEL BEP 20 address and switch over to Binance Chain and insert the address of your PROPEL BEP 20 wallet and send.
  4. Always try with a small test amount the first time or contact us on TG or via email.

Best Regards

PayRue Team



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