Update on rules and rewards
London 12th of October 2020
Dear PayRue users,
Today our PROPEL (BEP 2) competition was done where PayRue rewards a total of 1 million PROPEL to 100 users, which is 10,000 PROPEL per winner.
In total 489 people entered the competition which is great news and a record.
We had an email issue this morning, as result, some scam artist was sending out an email to the winners asking for BNB tokens this is a scam and false, PayRue will NEVER ask you for tokens or coins, if in doubt always contact us directly via email or in Telegram.
To confirm for Winners, you will receive 10,000 PROPEL (BEP 2) on Binance Chain to your TrustWallet or PayRue Wallet. Reply to Maxim email from PayRue and we will make the transfer as soon as we can.
The GREAT news is that we feel really bad about this error, we also feel that we should reward everyone that has entered the competition, and we want everyone to have PROPEL (BEP 20) on Binance Smart Chain.
So for everyone who has entered the competition, and now receive an email go to MetaMask, TrustWallet, or MathWallet and set up your first PROPEL (BEP 20) BSC wallet. And we will transfer 1000 PROPEL to your address.
Example: Download TrustWallet,
copy and paste the PROPEL BSC contract in SEARCH to add a token
Once its added send us your PROPEL BSC address and we will transfer 1000 PROPEL on BSC that can be used to trade PROPEL on BurgerSwap, BSCSWAP, or PayRue DEX.
Best Regards
The PayRue Team